Friday, October 5, 2007

Good news

I received some good news from my Monkey Pal.. my Monkey socks are done... I can't wait to see them. Still trying to get the socks done for my class Saturday. It is two socks at a time on circular needles using magic loop. I have to be to the heel, almost there. Also working on my monkey socks every chance I get. Tomorrow my oldest turns 19.. where has the time gone? He wants to go to a local Mexican Restaurant for his birthday dinner. I am taking him shopping for some new clothes and shoes also. He doesn't like to take the time to do this, so I am making the time. His grandma is also giving me his Birthday money so that we can pool it and get him more. It's hard to buy for 19 y.o.s , he can't think of anything he wants.. huh??? Wish I had that problem.

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