Thursday, December 27, 2007

I got my Winter Wonderland Coffe Swap Package

And it is a doozie. I am just in love with everything. It was on my mailbox on Christmas Eve. I didn't have time to open it, but on Christmas day when we got home from my Brother's it was dug into!! I am so sorry but my camera has bit the dust, so I am just going to have to give a written description of my goodies. First of all, the felted snowmen stitchmarkers are adorable. I am almost afraid to use them. I received heavenly yarn from Claudia Hand Painted yarns in Peppermint mocha. Yum Yum. Beautiful color way in reds, pinks, white, and browns. I feel a pair of socks just for me coming around. Also a skein of Honeysuckle yarn in Mocha Swirls. Love it!! I got Snowflake bath fizzles and lovely guest soaps in a snowman and christmas tree design. A snow man tissue package and last but not least ... Coffee.. Remlinger Farms, Snoqualmie blend. Oh and chocolate. But that is already gone. My favorite. Milka from Germany!!! thank you so much to Emiko for making this such a fun swap!! Happy New Year!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Catch up

That's what I feel I am doing lately. Trying to catch up for Christmas... I always swear I won't be shopping at the last moment and there I was driving around trying to get all those last minute gift certificates and goodies I thought of. Also trying to knit with every free moment I have. Met with two of my girlfriends Friday night and I had to give them IOUs since I only had one mitten done and one sock done. Guess I'll be busy until after January trying to get presents knitted. I am going to try and get some dish cloths knitted in the pretty Christmas colorway of red/green/white. One more sock to finish. I think I can do it!! I really needed the snow and nasty weather this weekend. I was so tired and the weekend was completely booked. But we got snowed in on Sunday and Monday we had no school. I needed that!! I am refreshed and ready to tackle the last week before Christmas!! But I am looking forward to seeing everyone's face when they open up their presents... I do love to give presents..

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Baby, it's cold outside

Wow, I was not ready for that cold artic breeze that greeted me this morning as I left for work. It was very cold!! Of course I was not wearing a coat, hat, scarf, or mittens.. surprise, surprise. I was however wearing a nice warm cardigan sweater that a dear friend knit for me. I love it. I wear it all the time. It's very comfy. It is nice to have a comfy sweater. I have my winter coffee swap package all filled and ready to go. I am going to try and hit the post office tomorrow at lunch time. Then I am done with swaps for a while. I am waiting for my coffee swap package and I hope I get it soon. I know things are moving much slower now with the holidays...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


In our Winter Coffee Swap we are to blog about what we are thankful for... I have really tried to make sure that I really look at what I am thankful for... First of all I am thankful for God giving me so many blessings in my life. It is easy to forget how blessed you are and focus on what you don't have or think you need. I have a wonderful Husband and we are getting ready to celebrate our 20th Anniversary on the 3rd of December. I have three healthy children. A warm house, plenty of food, health insurance, a job I love, and lots of yarn. Life is pretty good and I am pretty lucky!! Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I am getting my Coffee Swap package ready

Well, I was late in sending my Monkey pal her package, but I will not be late in sending my Coffee Swap partner her goodies. I have most of it and just need to make a quick stop on the way home. Then I will package it up and send it on it's merry way hopefully tomorrow. IT was a busy weekend. I did lots of shopping and made my Christmas Cards on Saturday. On Friday night I made my Thanksgiving cards and they will be sent soon. My daughter and I wrapped some presents instead of trying to lug them around the house and find places to put things. I am working on two pairs of socks right now and dish cloths. I have so many Christmas presents I want to get done and so little time... I am trying to keep knitting in my car so even if I have 5 minutes down time, I can knit. I am also getting items together for the Winterwonderland swap. It is hard sometimes to keep everything organized and clear. I do enjoy doing it and sending the packages though. I had Monday off for Veteran's Day and worked on my house, it was a mess. Made a nice supper so that when the family came home they could smell the delicious supper and we had a nice meal. So today is back to work and trying to juggle four things at the same time. More later...

OH I am so bad 3

Oops, I kept hitting the enter button!! First of all I want to apologize the WONDERFUL Tricotine, who has been the Monkey Sock Swap Partner extrodinare.. What an amazing package she sent me. Still my favorite are my beautiful monkey socks in a beautiful fall color. They are Trekking with Bamboo. Needless to say they fit beautifully. I also loved all my goodies. I was totally spoiled. I got a cute monkey bag, which my 13 yo daughter is battling over with me. I also received organic coffee ( with a monkey on it) and a huge dark chocolate bar ( with a monkey on it) :-).. there were two patterns, Hedra and Flickr, beautiful berry colored Lorna Lace sock yarn, a monkey squeeze ball, some chocolate with marzapan, a cute monkey notebook and monkey pen, a great smelling candle, mulling spices... I might have forgotten something, but I hope not!! Thanks so much for my surprises and I am so sorry I forgot to blog about it.

Oh I am so bad 2

Oh I am so bad!!

Monday, November 5, 2007

For love of coffee

I was probably 13 or 14 when I started having the occasional cup of coffee with my mom. She drank coffee every morning with cream and sugar, which is how I learned to drink my coffee. At about age 16 I started drinking more often and now have a habit of coffee every morning and sometimes during the day also. I now drink it with flavored creamer and a packet of sweetner ( usually Splenda or Equal). I prefer the milder types of coffee such as Breakfast blends. We have a local roaster in town, so I am learning more about coffee and my preferences. Nothing beats the smell of coffee in the morning.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Can you beleive it is already Halloween? I just see the days go flying by and try to keep up. My youngest is so excited about going Trick or Treating tonight. We live in a small town and he and his sister and cousins have a grand time. My bil and sil come over and we have small bonfire by the road and pass out candy... It's something we have been doing the last 5 years and I have come to look forward to it. It's supposed to be a beautiful evening... I just finished my Monkey pal socks and they are being mailed tomorrow. I have all the goodies. I hope my pal is happy with her socks. It's almost harder to send them when you can't see the look on their face when they open them up. I had a great monkey pal. She made the bestest pair of socks. I love them. All the goodies she sent me overwhelmed me also. My children couldn't believe everything that came out of the package. I am going to try and put up a picture in my blog. A new adventure for me that is sure. Blogging is pretty much a new adventure to me also... I am now going to focus on the Knitter's Coffee Swap partner. I am so excited.. this is lots of fun!!! I also am trying to get a lot of my Christmas shopping done early so that I can just sit back and enjoy the Holidays. But I have lots of knitting to do before Christmas, mostly socks...Hope your day is filled with lots of Treats and very few Tricks...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Winter Wonderland Swap Questionnaire

Monday, October 15, 2007

Questionnaire and Such
1!CoffeeWhat are your favorite kinds of coffee? (Brands, Roasts, anything at all you'd like to share!) There is a local roaster in town that I enjoy going to... I like Starbucks. I am more of a breakfast blend type of coffee lover. I like medium roasts. I don't really like french roasts.
2Do you prefer whole bean or ground coffee? I prefer whole bean
3This time of year, there are often Holiday Blends available, and many flavored coffees - do you drink flavored coffee? I like flavored coffees but not usually fruit flavors. I am open to new flavors and would love a Holiday blend..Surprise me...
4 Do you enjoy special blends? I think I would
5How do you take your coffee? Cream and Sugar? Straight up? Decaf? I drink my coffee straight up in the morning and later at night decaf. I usally put sweetner (equal or splenda) and a flavored creamer in my coffee
6Do you prefer drinking from a nice thick mug, or a matched cup and saucer? Oh, I am a nice think mug gal...

Winter and Holidays - PLEASE be descriptive! Your pal will need this information to be sure to put together a package you will enjoy!
1What is your favorite part of Winter? The snow and cool air, wanting to be somewhere warm with a blanket wrapped around you, drinking coffee and knitting... Holiday movies, Snow days at school ( I am a school nurse).

2Do you celebrate a holiday in December, and if so, which holiday? I celebrate Christmas

3If you celebrate Christmas, do you put up a tree? Oh, yes, the real tree goes up Thanksgiving weekend.

4.Would you enjoy items related to the holiday, or would you prefer a Winter themed package?
Probably a mixture, I like both ideas so please do what you want

5Do you collect anything? I collect snowmen and sock yarn ( can you really ever have enough?)

6Are there any holiday or winter-themed items (Snowmen, Angels, Snoflakes, Santas, etc) that you collect? Snowmen and I love mugs,

7Do you wear scarves? Mittens? Hats? I wear all of them but especially mittens and scarves

8 What is your favorite holiday or winter treat? Christmas cookies, fudge, all the homebaked goods that get made:-)

9Please share a favorite Winter or Holiday memory.

Yarn and Crafting
1Do you Knit or Crochet? I knit, can't seem to get around crochet
2For how long? Very seriously for about 3 years.
3Do you like wooden, metal, or plastic needles\hooks? Circular or straight? I love wooden dpns and circulars
4What sort of projects do you enjoy making? Right now I am into socks... I also like doing sweaters for my nieces and nephews ( they are toddlers so it is easier)
5What are your favorite types of yarn to work with? My favorite right now is sock yarn. I love independent dyers and Smooshie yarn from Dream in Color, really almost any sock yarn...
6Do you spin or dye? Neither, I barely keep up with knitting
7Do you do other crafts such as scrapbooking or needlepoint or anything else? I do scrapbooking and cardmaking. I really enjoy that.

8When is your birthday? April 1st.... really!!
9Do you have any children? (Furry kind count!) I have a 19yo son, a 13yo daughter and a 11yo son, all living at home. the 19 yo is going to a local college. We also have a very independent cat named peekachoo.
10What are your favorite colors? butter cream yellow, sage, lavendar, jewel tones, really almost all colors
11Do you have any allergies? Nodda one

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I hit the publish post button before I wrote anything down. I do love Saturdays. Especially when there is no big event planned. Today had to the the oil changed and get some items from the Walmart but other than that. I am own my own schedule. Got up at 8:45 and made coffee... read yesterday's mail. Then charted the course for the day. My husband announced it is date night tonight. Wowee.My 19yo son is staying home with my 11yo son and my 13yo daughter has a party so we actually have some free time. I am to be surprised as to where we are going. My hubby is taking a nap, he gets up early to run his route on Saturday. I want him rested. I think right now I am going to make some coffee and knit out on my swing in the backyard. It is very nice out but windy. happy knitting

I LOVE Nothing to do Saturday

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Heard from my partner

I had an e-mail from my partner. Haven't received mine though... It got me all excited . I want to get started buying for my pal... The weather here is unreal. Today 74degrees and tomorrow 76 degrees. Have we forgotten we are in fall? Oh well, enjoy while you can, although I like cooler days. I got this heavenly yarn from the Simply Sock Yarn Club. It was the last installment. It is called Broohaha. It is Smooshie from Dream color. Talk about beautiful fall colors. I had promised myself I wouldnt' touch it until I got the second sock done for my Monkey Sock Swap Pal. But I didn't follow through and I have knitted past the heel on it. It is great. I can't wait to get it done. I will only do the one sock though and get the that durn second Monkey done. I have already bought all the gifts for it and I have the yarn I am sending so just need to get that sock done. I am really enjoying reading other's blogs and getting information about sock clubs and swaps... my life is complete....

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Knitter's Coffee Swap Three Questionnaire

Here are my answers:

1. Whole bean or ground. I prefer whole, but ground is really ok also

2. Fully-loaded or decaf? Gotta go with fully loaded

3. Regular or Flavored? I am open to both

4.How do you Drink your Coffee: With sweetner( Splenda,Equal) and some creamer. I really like flavored creamers.

5. Favorite Coffee Ever: Gotta love the Breakfast blend at my local coffee cafe/ shop. They roast their own..

6. Are you fussy about your coffee or will any old bean do? Not that fussy. I am not into dark blends or French roasts.

7. Favorite treats to have with your coffee? animal crackers ( they dunk really well) biscotti,


8. Anthing else about your coffee preferences? I like mellow blends and I am not into fruit flavored coffees, gotta like those other flavors though. I like regular coffee in am and flavored coffees later in the day.

9. Yarn /fiber you love? Oh I am crazy into sock yarn right now. I should say I have enough, but I can't. It seems wrong to say no more sock yarn... so many feet to cover so little time. Gotta have sock yarn

10. Yarn/fiber you hate? Uhm... acrylic ( unless something for baby that needs to washed lots) and that's it

11. What's on your needles? Better question, what's not on your needles, thanks for not asking how many needles do you have? Then I would have to feel bad. On needles currently is monkey socks for Monkey Sock Swap ( almost done), socks that I am learning to knit two at a time on a circular needle, using Magic loop. Two scarves, and one Daisy cardigan. Is that enough? Uhm I also have about three socks that just need to be grafted at the toe. ( What's my problem?).

12. Favorite Colors: rich jewel tones, sage, lilac, light yellow

13. Allergies: Not a one

14. Anything you really love, really don't like, or just need to get off your chest? I REALLY REALLY love coffe swaps and the people willing to run then. They are the bestest...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

new swap coming up

There is a new swap that starts the 24th of October called Winter Coffee Swap. You can check it out at Go over there and see if you are interested.. I am..


I've got lots of news... I am almost finished with sock #1 of Monkey. It is turning out so great!! I am finally on the list of people for the monkey swap.. Yah!! Also I signed up for knitter's coffee swap #3... I got my invite yesterday. I can't wait. Got to fill out my questionnaire. I will do that later. Tonight after work I am going to get pumpkins and apples and apple cider at my favorite little street stand. I always take my children and they pick out the pumpkin they are going to carve for Halloween. They are 19, 13, and 11. The 19 year old is not interested, but the other two are raring to go. It's kinda of tradition and the weather has finally broken. It was so hot, that I was not motivated to do anything. It will only be 75 today. Tomorrow 65. It was 89 yesterday. Ugh... gonna also look for some Monkey items tonight for my pal. Just a couple of little things and my package will be ready to go. I got the pattern already and yarn I am going to send. This I am looking forward to...

Friday, October 5, 2007

Good news

I received some good news from my Monkey Pal.. my Monkey socks are done... I can't wait to see them. Still trying to get the socks done for my class Saturday. It is two socks at a time on circular needles using magic loop. I have to be to the heel, almost there. Also working on my monkey socks every chance I get. Tomorrow my oldest turns 19.. where has the time gone? He wants to go to a local Mexican Restaurant for his birthday dinner. I am taking him shopping for some new clothes and shoes also. He doesn't like to take the time to do this, so I am making the time. His grandma is also giving me his Birthday money so that we can pool it and get him more. It's hard to buy for 19 y.o.s , he can't think of anything he wants.. huh??? Wish I had that problem.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My Monkeys on are on the needle

Just started my Monkey socks last night. They are turning out great. I had a big project to finish up. I knit a prayer shaw for my niece for her confirmation which was Sunday. I was her sponsor. She loved it. I didn't really like knitting with the yarn, it was mohair, but it turned out beautiful. I am taking a class on how to do two socks at one time with Magic Loop. It takes a little more thought, but you end up with two socks at once. I am to have the knitted to the heel by Saturday morning. I will keep trugging along. I am using Bear Mountain yarn and it is so soft and a beautiful color. I am also trying to finish a pair of anklet socks for my daughter, they have been promised forever and always get put to the side. I don't think I have enough yarn, but my dear knitting pal Jan, thanks she has the same yarn. It is Sockotta in purples and blacks. So she is going to give me the tiny bit I need to finish... ah friends. So that's my goings on currently. I have some other projects on the needles that will get attention after this Monkey Swap, mainly because it is going to be Christmas soon and I have some projects to finish and start, mostly socks, but a couple of scarves and mittens. Talk at you later...

Monday, September 24, 2007

The yarn has finally made it

I got the most beautiful yarn that I ordered from Yarnlust on ETSY. It was just what I wanted for my monkey sock pal. I can't wait to dig in knit some monkeys.... I have so many projects on needles. I have to get something done. I do have to get a prayer shawl done for my niece by this Sunday. I am her sponser and she is making her confirmation. I make it out of beautiful pink mohair. Pink being her favorite color. I hope she just LOVES it... I started making a pair of socks from some Schaefer Heather that I got from Simply Sock Yarn, You gotta love that place. It came with a Schaefer pattern for the socks that I really like. I think it's called texture? Any whoo... Tonight is prayer shawl. I will start my monkeys when the shawl is finished. I have gotten three items for my monkey pal...hope she likes them.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

No Monkey Socks yet

I have finally found the yarn I want to make my pal's monkey socks with. It is gorgeous and I am so excited. I don't have it yet though. I am very hopeful that she will swoon with delight over her socks and Monkey surprises. I am really enjoying this swap. It is so much fun to have someone who is really going to enjoy the socks that you make for them.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Big Decision

Well, I made a big decision yesterday. I was taking a class to begin my Master's program for nursing. I was three weeks into it and realized that this is the wrong time in my life to be trying to go back to school. I have an 18yo living at home going to the local college, a 13yo daughter,and 11yo son. I could not believe all the time I was devoting to school and felt overwhelmed. Maybe somewhere in my next life, I will start this project. I feel like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders, so I know it was a good decision for me. Besides, you know that means more time for knitting.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

It's Monkey Time

Well, I heard from the person knitting for me. Can't wait. I also e-mailed my person who I am knitting for and gave them the good news that I was knitting for them. Asked a couple of questions to clarify the socks, so that they can be perfect. I am now going to look for the perfect yarn and perfect monkey presents. Oh the shopping we will have to do.. (love to shop)

Monday, September 3, 2007

let's try this questionnaire again

I already tried this once and it got lost so here we go again.

Monkey Sock Swap THREE Questionnaire

The Basics: I consider myself an intermediate sock knitter

The Measurements
Shoe Size: 9 wide in US
Foot Circumference: 91/2 inches
Foot Lenght: 9 inches

Yarn Preferences:
colors: I Love all colors. Just not crazy about bright neon colors

Prefer solids or variegated: Like either, so surprise me

Prefer wool, cotton, or acrylic: Just not to crazy about acrylic, otherwise open

What color never wear? Neons, black

Favorite Brands: Anne Schaefer; Cherry Tree Hill, Socks that Rock, Koigu

New Brands: Oh, there are lots out there that I have not used yet

Cookie A Patterns

Already knit: Just the Monkey and I loved it.

Patterns you don't have and would like to knit? Flickr, Heda

International or US? I am open to either

Allergies? Nada

My knitting exposed to smoke or animals? there is a cat in my house

On ravelry? Are you kidding? I just figured out how to make a blog.... someday

Monkey Sock Swap Three Questionnaire

Friday, August 31, 2007

It's a blog

I've created my own blog for the very first time. I did it because I joined Monkey Socks Swap 3 and I needed a blog. I just finished Sockapalooza 4. It was my first swap and I loved it.